Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Grace Links {{9•28•14}}

Grace-friends in this place...
With less time in the extra reading category this week, I have fewer links to share with you, but the bits of beauty I have strung together in this one post are of the soul-joy that lined my path along the way this week and caused me to think of you.
May you click, read, and share with me in the deep encouragement that each one brings. 

Such a sweet word of assurance. 
Simultaneously leading our little ones while being led by Abba ourselves!

"In addition to serving coffee and employing people—both of which image forth his work of provision—we also bear God's image in our work through hospitality. "
TGC posted an interview with this couple surrounding their vision and kingdom-mission in the work they do. 
This cafe loving gal wishes it wasn't such a long drive to TX.

Other than the Irish origin of my name, I have very little tie to the country, but you would think I do - the way I love Celtic music and legend.
This beautiful prayer is a delicious taste of the way worship was strung out in heart-stirring words by Celtic style and soul. 

A bold proclaimer of gospel grace quotes a bold proclaimer of God's gospel grace... Not unfamiliar words perhaps, but it's a soul-rocking grace. Rest heart and mind on this. Just soak it in. Check your anchor's hold on this scandalous true thing. 

And closing with what just might be my favorite link this week. 
An absolute feast of glory bright captured on film by the talents of human skill; and yet indescribable; viewed best with eyes of the soul. 
Look at each picture through the lens of death....the glory seen only possible because death works door of new life to unfold. 
Think on your death to self, in grief, in wound, in loss, and the new life unfolding, 
the glory bright only in that process! 

Be struck with glory, feasted full on grace, 
and moved in the power of mercy, Grace-friends.
Monday approaches with the bright of new and full.
And we are held, always-welcomed.

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