Friday, November 14, 2014

My Journey-Grace {{a celebration post}}

Oh beautiful cold November day when 46 years ago my journey-grace was born.
In a day when daddies waited anxiously alone while the mommies were dazed with drug and pain,
he came big and healthy into the same cold sterile hospital where, sweetly enough,
I would draw my first breaths 14 years later.
He came brown haired, with eyes the color of brightly ripening wheat fields.
I wish I could have known him every moment of his living!
I pour over pictures and memorize his mother's stories {even the ones he claims aren't true-especially those;)} 

In a way I do know every moment of his living in the deep places of the soul-knowing that we share.

Oh how I desperately and excitedly love the man he's always been and the man he is always ever-becoming. 

I know that his eyes, then bright, now hold veritable galaxies of stars,
and his hair always the color of rich chocolate, now reflects brighter with the sheen of wisdom; the stuff of living in big grace and full love.

God grabbed his heart for Spirit-life somewhere during his college days and Christ became his passion.
When that passion gave him to find me ten years later, I was broken and confused in a thousand ways I didn't even know. 
He gathered me to himself in gentle days of dating, engagement and then this unalterable covenant love.
He does this still.

Our living made-one has been an unbroken journey of ever-deepening passion and purpose made only brighter when days of ache have come. 

This man, my only one; 
my everything amazing, my Favorite!
He was given life; one which he generously pours out. 
Today, I mark in a special way the gift which absorbs me every day. 
Steven Lee living out Jesus-love over me! 
This man; my journey-grace! 

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