Friday, December 5, 2014

Tracing His Name{{a post about practicing His presence}}

He spoke His name to me this morning. 

{I'm wishing for time that I don't have; time to tap out a polished blog post because my soul feels it may burst for want to spill out words.}

He spoke his name to me this morning. 
Words I have lingered over all week long, but suddenly my heart landed, and my ears heard.
He told me to write it out, 
to write his name over and over; 
For every hard thing my heart holds.
Because there is all this hard that my heart holds. 
Them, fighting cancer's sudden aggressive return. 
Him, with his job eliminated. 
Her, with empty arms longing to mother.
Him, bravely embracing the next difficulty of his increasing impairment.
Us, with this waiting long into an unknown certainty. 
There are others. You have your's. 
And as the Advent candles flicker to light 
and our hearts anticipate his glory bright…
Here in the dark of early morning, 

He spoke his name to me anew, 
and showed me how to write it. 
{As a big hand covers a small one in tracing out the letters, 
Abba showed me how to write it
Right there; straight out over the ache of this place.
Each waiting, wondering, needing,
Every aching hard in suffering,
Every terrible horrible hurt... 
All perfectly met and powerfully covered by the ONE who came to fill every promise and heal every heart; 
to give us a hope unwavering and a confidence strong.

To fill us with a JOY INDESCRIBABLE 

Our hard is real. 
But look at that NAME !!! 
{Isaiah 9:1-7}

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