Sunday, August 24, 2014

Prisoner of Hope with Glory in my midst!

Sometimes it is through the smallest of everyday-ness that Abba ravishes my eyes with the largeness of Himself; the grandeur and scope of His glory and His sweetly compelling love all around me.
"for whoever has questioned the day of small things shall rejoice..." Zech4:10

A book read. 
Humanly authored words scraping my soul bare before divine glory.
Simple paper and ink bound together the way His truth bound itself to the leaves of my soul. 
He sought me there; in those pages. 
"Cry out, thus says the Lord of hosts: I am exceedingly jealous for Jerusalem and for Zion." Zech1:14

The searching Holy Spirit knowing me intimately; unpacking my vulnerability. 
Spiritual white space sought in quiet moments, journaling, prayer walks; 
Bible-open time spent communing with Him taking on levels of relationship and freedom unexplainable! 

Washing over my heart there has been a healing I didn't know I needed. Such sweet comfort received; affirmations I hungered for and was for the first time receiving as I turned my soul to face His love in new ways. 
"And the Lord answered gracious and comforting words… Cry out again, this is the Lord of Hosts: my dwelling place shall again overflow with prosperity, and the Lord will again comfort Zion and again choose Jerusalem." Zech1:13,17

Past wounds and needs unfolding.
Wounds which I had neatly papered with platitudes of His sovereignty; packaging up in storages of a refusal to question God; a smallness in my understanding of His love which always welcomes my need. 

His gentleness did not leave me there, but has for years been leading me to the place that this August has held for me. 
I can see it now. The path He authored. The unveiling. The unfolding. The drawing me close to Himself.
Summer's ending holding a culminating grab tighter of His love in my soul.

His sovereignty is never without His love. 
His unquestionable ways do not teach me to package up my wounds in neat unmentioned, never acknowledged hidden places. 
His absolute power over all in perfect love calls me to bring each one to Him;
Questions open, raw, bleeding before Him. 
"for this said the Lord of hosts, after his glory sent me to the nations who plundered you, for he who touches you touches the apple of his eye." Zech2:8

Like a letting go, a slow warming, and a waking up melded together, truth has poured into new crevices of my heart. 
A new knowing, truly knowing, that when He took my place under wrath I deserved, 
He took the woundedness, the confusion, the need of my every little-girl moment right up through this one. 
I can bare all of my moments to Him in absolute safety. 
My stronghold is not one of neat packaging but of hope!
"return to your stronghold, O prisoners of hope; today I declare that I will restore to you double." Zech9:12 

Wounds unwrapped. Questions laid bare. Bloody bare as-is. 
I have been received, seen, known, held, comforted, restored. 
His Word. 
His Holy Spirit abiding with me.
He has restored to me double. 

Today a weed caught my eye. 
Growing and blooming only where things are untended and left to look wild. 
This was not a plant chosen and planted.
It's brave and bold blooming fertilized by its Creator alone. 

The rough wooden bench where I sat gathering some spiritual white space
{lingering "un-planned-out" communion time with The Lord} 
was positioned only inches from its rough green stalk. 
Only the sun saw me pluck and pull the bloom near. 
My mind wondered at the survival of its teeny white blooms despite the winds and rains we've had here. 
Beauty in delicate lace-like circular shape.
Then I focused in. There in the center it perched. 
Singular and small, but stunning in its simple magnificence! 
Purple. One tiney purple blossom surrounded by hundreds of its white counterparts.... 
What Glory paints a center dot of purple in a lacey white bloom humanity calls weed?

This glory here in my fingertips grabbing my heart. 
His perfect, knowing, healing, pursuing love ready to show up and surround me from the smallest of small! 
"and I will be to her a wall of fire all around, declares the Lord, and I will be the glory in her midst." Zech2:5 

He is Savior to Me! 

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