Thursday, October 23, 2014

The Gentle Call of a Slow Day

There is sometimes a softness in glory rising.
The misty colors alluring with gentle majesty, 
A quiet sweep over my soul with love and drawing and peace. 

"He leads me with cords of kindness, with the bands of love, 
and He becomes to me the one who eases the yolk on my jaw, 
as He bends down to me and feeds me." 
Hosea11:4 {personalized}

There is a stillness, a breathing, in the perfect meeting of His filling Word. 
His bending; Love's always-leaning, toward the shaping of my soul's freedom to simply rest, and know, and be. 

And so today there is a lingering,
 a slowing, a choosing to reach for the Word. 
There is a resting in the pages of 
soul-feeding books, 
my journal and pen nearbye. 
There are fresh scones baking, while slow puzzle-making with my girl. 

Gathering this spiritual whitespace, 
Led by cords of kindness, 
Bound up in His love revealed as I slow to listen! 

What about you, dear grace-stewarding friend? 
Where do you see His invitation alluring in the created world around you? 
Calling you out from the busy, the scripted, the routine doing.
How can you choose slow, lingering, listening and being today? 

Feed on His presence, 
Soul-fill on grace, 
It will then serve itself right up out of you for others! 

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